why stars are twinkle and planet does not?
Stars are present very far away from the earth. They are visible as point sources. The light rays which come from them, get refracted many times before they reach our eyes. Due to this, stars seem to be blinking or twinkling. Planets on the other hand, are located near to us, relatively to stars. So the diffraction of light does not occur much and planets do not seem to twinkle.
Stars twinkle because they're so far away from Earth that, even through large telescopes, they appear only as pinpoints. Planets shine more steadily because they're closer to Earth and so appear not as pinpoints, but as tiny disks in our sky.
And because stars are farther away from us than planets, the light from stars passes through various layers with different temperatures. So due to diffraction of light, stars seem to twinkle and not planets.
Stars are very far away as compared to the planets so they appear smaller than the planets. Ray of light from the stars which is considered as a point source due to its distance gets refracted by different layers of the atmosphere which causes the twinkling.