Why stock piling is beneficial for agricultural products?
sorry but I don't know the answer but please mark me brainliest because I have not got a singlle brainliest mark till now
so I request you please mark me brainliest.
The practice of maintaining public stockpiles of
essential food commodities has been a popular
food policy of many governments in the past. This
was especially observed during World Wars I and II,
when international trade came to a complete halt. For
most countries stockpiling policies continued during
the early Cold War period, not only due to fears of
another global conflict breaking out but also largely to
boost their domestic agriculture sector by incentivising
greater production. The practice however went into
reverse with the onset of the Green Revolution which
significantly boosted food production. It was argued
then that international trade would be sufficient to
guarantee a steady supply of food at lower cost across
the world. This led to most countries cutting down their
public stockpiles and stockpiling practices gradually