Biology, asked by srijansingh13, 10 months ago

why stomata present in lower surface of leaf​


Answered by awesome58


To prevent loss of water through transpiration during the day.

Answered by imrithik


if stomata were present on upper leaf, adaxial surface..,,, it would lead to water loss due to transpiration...So stomata are abundant in lower leaf abaxial epidermis........

This is the case in dicots........

In monocots,, both upper and lower leaf epidermis have more or less equal no of stomata...... So wont they lose water by transpiration?...... But they have special mechanisms to avoid transpirationn.... The leaves of monocots(isobilateral leaves) ,, the upper epidermis has specialised cells called Bulliform cells or Motor cell which are large, colourless empty cells..... when transpiration rate is high,, bulliform cells become flaccid by losing water ...... This makes the leaf roll over itself thus reducing surface area for transpiration.....

plzz note.....leaf surface is lined by a layer called EPIDERMIS

Upper epidermis is calle adaxial epidermis and lower epidermis is called abaxial epidermis......

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