Chemistry, asked by NISHTHA27, 1 year ago

why sugar charcoal is used as decolourizing agent?


Answered by RosyX
Sugar charcoal is used as decolorizing agent because it is s good adsorbent. It is good to adsorb the colour and odour also

Hope it helps u.

RosyX: thanx
Anonymous: wlc
Answered by Anonymous
Owing to a variety of causes,—the fluctuations of the market, an over stock of one particular kind of unmerchantable liquto^or a quantity of liquor too highly colored, or to point to the emergency that might arisfi, would he impossible ; and hence the necessity of a knowledge of the articles used in decolorizing liquors, viz. animal charcoal or bone black. Animal charcoal by no means necessarily possesses the decolorizing prop^fty, as this depends upon its peculiar state of aggregation. If a piece of pure animal matter be carbonized, it usually enters into fusion, and from the gajpous matter which is extricated, becomes porous and cellular. The charcoal formed has generally a metallic lustre, and a color resembling that of black lead. It has little or no decolorizing power.

The most powerful of all the charcoals for discharging colors, are those obtained from certain animal matters, such as dried blood, hair, horns, ttc., &c., by first burning them with carbonate of potassa, and then washing the product with water. The next most powerful decolorizer is bone black, in which the separation of the carbonaceous particles is effected by the phosphate of lime present in the bone. Vegetable substances may be made to yield a good iharcoal for destroying color, provided before burning they be well mixed with pumice stone, chalk, flint, calcined bones, &c., <fcc.

It results from the foregoing facts that the decolorizing power of charcoal depends upon a peculiar mode of aggregation of its particles, the leading character of wliicli is they are isolated from one another, and thus enabled to spread over a greater extent of surface. It is on this principle that certain chemical substances act in developing tlie property in question, when they are ignited in a state of intimate mixture with the substances to be Barred. Tims it is perceived that there is no necessary connexion between animal charcoal and the decolorizing power; as this charcoal may or may not possess tlie peculiar aggregation of its particles, on which the power depends.

Bone black, for instance, has this property, not because it is an animal charcoal, but in consequence of the phosphate of lime present in the bone, the favorable state of aggregation is induced.

Animal charcoal will, by digestion and filtration, remove the bitter principles from infusions, &c. Its power of acting on chemical compounds and solutions is much more decided in its purified state.

Bone black is composed of phosphate and carbonate of lime, charcoal, and carburet of iron.

Bone black, when used for decolorizing, should be deposited in a filter to the depth of from five to fifteen feet. On a SiUali scale, a common forty gallon barrel can be used for (lie same purpose. (For further particulars see Filtering Apparatus.)

Boiled Milk possesses decolorizing properties, and is very useful in wines. A pint of boiled milk added while warm to a pipe of red wine, will discharge tho color completely, rendering it transparent. The action of the milk is mechanical; the particles of milk, combining with the minute particles that constitute the coloring, fall to the bottom or subside.

As tannin is extensively used in one form or another, viz. as tanning oak bark, catechu, and terra japónica, for the bitter and astringent principle and coloring matter that it yields, which is well adapted to brandies, whiskey, and some wines—it requires that it should have more than a passing notice. The term tannin was originally applied to a principle existing in many vegetables having a very astringent taste, and the property of producing a white, fioc-culent precipitate, with a solution of gelatine and black precipitate, with the salts of the sesquioxide of iron. As obtained, however, from different plants, it was found to exhibit some difference of properties, and chemists have recognised two kinds ; one exist iug in oak hark, galls, <fcc., and the other in Peruvian hark, catechu, &c. One striking peculiarity of tha tannin of galls is its facility of conversion into gallic acid, which is wanting in the other varieties.

Pure tannic acid is solid, unervstallizable. white or slightly yellowish, inodoroiis, strongly astringent to the taste, without bitterness ; soluble In water, much less in alcohol and ether, and insoluble in the fixed and volatile oils. It can be kept unchanged in the solid form, but its aqueous solution, when exposed to the air, gradually becomes turbid, and deposits a crystalline matter, consisting chiefly of gallic acid. Tannic acid precipitates solations of starch, albumen, and gluten, and forms with gelatin an insoluble compound which is the basis of leather.

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