why the cisternae of dictyosome in plant is separated? not interconnected.
Connections between cisternae at different levels in the Golgirarely have been observed by conventional EM, even in 3Dstudies of regulated secretory cells, suggesting that theseconnections are normally short-lived. Such continuities might beeven rarer or completely absent in cells not professionallycommitted to secretion. We propose that these direct continuities are most likely to occur when cells require ‘‘high throughput’’ anterograde transport through the Golgi, e.g.,under conditions where rapid, voluminous protein synthesis andsecretion are required because of increased metabolic demand.
Such is the case in the present study, where the islet beta cellshave been stimulated for 1 h with 11 mM glucose after overnightculture in low (3 mM) glucose-containing medium. Although wehave not found such connections in unstimulated cells (data notshown), we cannot rule out the possibility that they exist in theunstimulated state.Connections that provide a continuous channel between cisternae situated at different levels in the Golgi stack also may helpto expedite the retrieval of Golgi-resident membrane proteinsand glycosylationprocessing enzymes to earlier cisternae in thestack. Such direct connections would theoretically provide atransport mechanism (other than vesicles) that is capable of handling the large volume of retrograde traffic predicted by thecisternal progression-maturation model.
hope it helps
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