Biology, asked by acdbr805, 1 year ago

Why the different secondary structures of protein absorbs light differently?


Answered by nirman95


Absorption of light by protein molecules are used for analysis of the secondary structure of proteins.

Secondary structures exist in many forms like

  • Alpha Helix
  • Beta pleated sheat
  • Motiffs (Super 2° structures)

Now ,

In these of structures, when light is absorbed, the electrons are elevated or excited to higher orbits.

They always absorb a wavelength range between 180 - 230 nm.

Molecular orbital theory helps us to understand re-hybridisation of lone pair of electrons of Nitrogen.

Such changes causes differences in absorption Spectra of the protein secondary structures.

Answered by Anonymous


The peptide bonds in aprotein's asymmetric environment will absorbthis range of light(promoting electrons to higher energy levels). In different secondary structures , the peptide bond electrons will absorb right and left circularly polarized light differently(for example, they have different molar absorptivities). \

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