Science, asked by goldygovindpandey, 1 year ago

why the emojis are always yellow​


Answered by Anonymous


The initial question is actually two-pronged: One, why is the default color for all emoji faces yellow? And two, why does it look like the new racially diverse emoji represent Asian people with a somewhat offensive bright yellow skin tone? Let's start with the second one, as it's easier to explain (albeit still a little lengthy). In short, the yellow emoji in the racially diverse set are not meant to represent Asian people (thank goodness). The implication that it was can probably be chalked up to an unfortunate design oversight. Here's the deal:

As the Huffington Post recently noted, Unicode decides what the shape and description of each emoji is — but it doesn't decide how emoji are displayed on specific devices. That's up to whoever created the device, so the reason they're yellow on iOS devices is because that's how Apple decided they should be (the same goes for Gchat's yellow emoji, by the way). But although Unicode's charts are usually in black and white, their report from last November about the planned racially diverse emoji clarified how they thought the different skin tones should work.

According to the report, the emoji use skin tones drawn from the Fitzpatrick scale, which is a recognized tool for dermatological research about skin color. It consists of six types:

Type I: Pale white; blond or red hair; blue eyes; freckles. Burns in the sun and never tans.

Type II: White; fair; blond or red hair; blue, green, or hazel eyes. Usually burns in the sun, tans minimally.

Type III: Cream white; fair with any hair or eye color. Burns mildly sometimes, tans uniformly. This type is incredibly common; it's probably what I fall under. I'm part Asian, by the way (with the bone structure and eye shape to prove it), and though I ended up with medium brown hair and green eyes, I'm pretty sure I'd still be a type III even if if I had inherited my dad's dark brown hair and eye colors.

Type IV: Moderate brown; Mediterranean skin tone. Tans well in the sun and rarely burns.

Type V: Dark brown; Middle Easter skin types. Tans easily and rarely burns.

Type VI: Dark brown to black and deeply pigmented. Tans easily and never burns.

Answered by borate71

Answer: Emojis are always yellow in colour because, Yellow is attractive colour and the main fact is the we can see all the details in yellow background it is very easy to see the details in yellow colour than any other.Thus in order to see all the details clearly emojis are yellow.


Hope it will help you..

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