why the Pakistan under General Pervez Musharraf is not called a democracy
Milletry rule is another form and democracy is far different from this
In democracy there is no any particular pesron to rule
Regular election are held in democracy.
And in democracy all people are equal before law
All minister have to follow instructions..
But in Pakistan these rule are not followed
so In Pakistan this is not democracy....
why Pakistan under general Musharraf should not be called a democracy?
✎in Pakistan general Parvez Musharraf led a a military corp and over the democratically elected government and declared himself the chief executive of the country.
✎later he conducted a referendum which was based on malpractices and fraud. he changed his desgination as president in 2002.
✎in August 2002 he issued a legal framework order that amended the constitution of Pakistan according National and provincial assemblies.
✎the work of the civilian cabinet is supervised by a national security council which is dominated by military officers.
✎after paying this law, ejected representatives have some powers but the final power rest with milatary officers and general Parvez Musharraf himself.