Why the penis of pig having the twisted appearance?
The male reproductive system consists of two testicles, each of which is held almost vertically with the tail of the epididymis at the top. The epididymis is the area within which all the mature sperm is stored and held until ejaculation. From each testicle a tube, the urethra, carries the sperm into the abdomen via the inguinal canal. (If this hole is enlarged an inguinal rupture will be seen). From there it enters the neck of the bladder and continues in the groin down the penis to the exterior as the urethra. Thus from the neck of the bladder to the tip of the penis the urethra can carry either sperm or urine. There are three glands called the seminal vesicles, the prostrate and the bulbo urethral glands. The seminal vesicles produce the bulk of the ejaculate (300ml) and fructose to nourish the sperm. The prostrate gland provides other nutrients and the bulbo urethral gland the jelly that you often see at the end of mating
During service the sperm in the epididymis are pulsated down the urethra to be joined by the seminal fluids. This is a continuous process during the period of mating. You can see it if you stand behind the boar and you should check it when you supervise services.
The penis, which is long and rigid has a sigmoid or S - shape in its top half and an anti clockwise spiral at the end. It is 300-500mm long.