why the primary education of our city not be changed why why plz tell me tomorrow is my exam so plz help me no spamming
Yes,primary education of our city should be changed
India are trying to bring in interactive education and we loud that immensely. But the evil of rote learning is yet to be wiped out from a majority of Indian schools. Owing to the fixated style of question papers that have been doing the rounds in board exams from time immemorial, rote learning has continued.
Ever heard of students mugging up balanced equations? This is one fundamental change that needs to come about in our Indian Education System!
But the evil of rote learning is yet to be wiped out from a majority of Indian schools. Owing to the fixated style of question papers that have been doing the rounds in board exams from time immemorial, rote learning has continued.
It’s because there are just three options that student have after Class 10 – they’re stuck with Science, Arts or Commerce. If they’re not good enough for either of these, they jet set straight into diplomas and certificate courses. Don’t you think the Indian education system needs to introduce combination courses in which students can opt for a major and a minor subject? If students in America can pursue Physiotherapy with Art History and Biological Science with Photography, why not in India?
hola mate..!!
Equality is a term largely thrown around in political discourse. However, it is an ideal that is largely out of reach, particularly within the United States’ education system.
Attending public school through 12th grade in underserved areas of my city allowed me to see educational inequity firsthand. From being required to purchase my own textbooks to tutoring ESL students at my high school, I became conscious of how access to educational materials determines one’s school success. My education journey allowed me to see how educational inequality contributes to social and income inequality, thus creating a poverty cycle.
The educational system was built with a bias; bias in deciding where to direct funds, bias in the material we teach, and bias in where the school is located. It makes all the difference in the world if your neighborhood is wealthy or poor. The bias is dependent upon “the have and have nots” mentality, and this bias determines student success.
hope it helps...!!