Why the safety of seatbelt is given in vehicle?
Reason #1
Passengers in a vehicle who are not wearing a seat belt can become projectiles during an accident. Unbuckled passengers can very easily be ejected through the front, rear or side windows, resulting in death.
Reason #2
Passengers in the rear seat of an automobile who use both lap and should safety belts are 44% more likely to survive in crash. The percentage increases to 73% for rear seat passengers in Vans or SUV vehicles.
Reason #3
Texans die every day in vehicle accidents. In 2015, of the 3,518 automobile accidents reported across the state, 2,369 of those accidents resulted in a fatality or serious bodily harm.
Reason #4
Trucks are not immune. In 2015, 467 fatalities were reported of drivers of pickup trucks. Of those reported fatalities, 216 were not wearing a seat belt device.
Reason #5
Wearing a seat belt prevents passenger ejection during a severe accident that involves a rollover. The chances of surviving this type of accident increases 45% when wearing a proper safety restraint device. In pickup trucks, that number increases to 60%.
Hope this will help you