Social Sciences, asked by aryan060918, 2 months ago

Why the states like UP, West Bengal and Chattisgarh so poor?​


Answered by angiraganguly

I can tell better about east India , especially Jharkhand , Odisha and Chattisgarh. So first about these states then the rest.

Historical Tribal Background:All the three states have more than 1/4 th tribal population and a good forest cover. The tribals and other forest dwelling communities were generally cut off from the outside ongoing economic activities from the ancient times. Their integration with the modern society without disturbing their traditional society and customs is a tough task.

Low literacy and awareness :These states have a considerable mineral wealth and industries but the people don't have job as they are unskilled. Outsiders are taking jobs because they are skilled. Here the mistake is ours not their. And with improper education and awareness people are not able to utilize the facilities that government is providing them. Ration system is not very successful in Jharkhand. People don't know that they have certain rights.

Improper utilization of Resources : Forests of these areas has a lot of resources but they are not utilized. In olden days forest used to provide everything to the forest dwelling communities. There are many forest products which can be utilized but there is a lack of government support. The waterfalls in these Highlands have tremendous hydroelectricity potential but has not been utilized.

Poor land rules :These states have some rules regarding to tribal land. Like the Chotanagpur Tenancy Act and Santhal Pargana Tenancy act prevents non tribals to buy tribal land in Jharkhand. How can we expect investment and business here ?

Customs , Rituals and beliefs :This is common to every Indian. If my daughter is marrying , wedding should be grand , this Durga puja my dress should be the best , my late grandfather should get more so I will donate more and more. Don't matter if I have to take loans for these purposes. And from here the drama of debt starts. And all the savings goes to hell.

Corruption: At least but not at last. Government officers in tribal areas do whatever they want. From top to bottom there is a little bit of corruption everywhere. And our ex CM Madhu Koda is known for his scams.

Now the states of UP and Bihar.

Population: The most important topic. We know our resources are limited , growing population increases competition for everything here. And in this age it is very hard to run a prosperous family of 5–6 children with an average income. Unfotunately esucation, nutrition and healthcare facilities require a lot now a days.

Agrarian Crisis: This is the problem of whole India. And these states are heavily dependent on agriculture. So the effect is seen here.

Lack of industries and mineral wealth: UP and Bihar lack any major mineral deposits. Same is the case with Industries.

Caste politics of 1990s: The era of 90s was remarkable in indian economy as liberalisation of trade occurred at national level by central government. South India benefitted by this but UP and Bihar were busy with caste politics with goons like Lalu Yadav in power. This was the worst time for Bihar when GDP rate also saw negative sign. And UP CM mayawati used to invest in her statues instead of public welfare.

Illiteracy and lack of awareness: The same point which I mentioned earlier. Government is giving highly subsidised loans for animal husbandry(30%) and fishery(70%). But a poor famer doesn't knows about this. If someone knows it's hard to go through the legal paper works.

Corruption: Again same. Who can forget Lalu and his list of scams. SP leader Mulayam's son has one car worth crores.

Gunda Raj : The activities of goons effect day to day life of people and their economic activities. No one wants to invest in places having a tag of gunda raj. Thanks , things are changing now. Will always hope for the best.

Answered by SasmitaBiswal

Hope it's useful.

Mark as the brainliest answer.

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