why the students are not able to read the english textbook properly? suggest some ways by which you can motivate the students to develop reading skill.
Allow the student to get familiar with the textbook. Let them doodle or glance over the papers. At first they will ever be reluntant to read. Engagr them in an open conversation about a message sent out in the chapter, by reading it before hand. As the student engages in the conversation, allow them to develop more interest by asking them to site examples based on personal experience. Then let them know that the chapter has a similar baseline. That might interest them into developing their reading skills. In the beginning, I have spoken about doodling. As they doodle over the pages, they might discover a new word. That might spark somr interest. Other ways include asking them to bring dictionaries, and let them express difficult words. Explain the meanings and let them understand accordingly. Soon they will evoke interest in the chapter.