why the textile industry occupies unique position in the Indian economy?
1 Answer. (i) The textile industry contributes significantly to industrial production. i.e.14%. ... (iv) It is the only industry in India which is self-reliant and complete in the value chain, i.e. from raw material to the highest value added products.
(i) Close association with agriculture:
The industry has close links with agriculture, and provides livelihood to farmers, cotton ball pluckers and workers engaged in ginning, spinning, weaving , dyeing, designing, packaging, tailoring and sewing.
(ii) Demand Creative:
Cotton textile is a demand creative industry, i.e., it supports many other industries such as chemicals , dyes, mill stores, packaging materials and engineering works.
(iii) Employment:
The industry provides employment to a large number of skilled as well as unskilled workers. The handloom 'khadi provides large scale employment to weavers in their homes.