Why the title of the poem "The Patriot" by Robert Browning is "The Patriot"?
its a tale dictated by the patriot himself. he is the one who has risked his everything for the well being of people of the place where he had come a year ago. but unfortunately inspite of his such great efforts, he is being held guilty for some would be deeds that are not yet proved. so his loyalty towards the people and love for the place awards him the title of 'patriot', who is being misjudged and he himself narrates about the drastic change in behaviour of the people that he has encountered in one single year. History repeats itself an so similliar scenarios might have taken place and many patriots might have faced the undesired and inevitable consequences.
The poem "The Patriot" revolves around the story of the life of a patriot or a noble person who had done a great deed.
The title is hence justified.
The patriot was once welcomed by the people of having done a great deed.
Next the people suddenly changed their mind and they betrayed the patriot.
However he is confident that God will never be unjust and he will be forgiven by God himself.