why urea production is high when person diet contain more protein than is need of growth and repair
Urea production is high when person's diet contain more protein than is needed for growth and repair.
There may be many reasons for the intake of high amount of protein like weight loss or muscle development.
In such cases high rate of protein metabolism occurs and as a by product of this metabolism urea is produced.
High intake of protein production of high amount of urea.
This high amount of urea being toxic is eliminated through urine.
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Elevated Urea Levels & Too Much Protein
By Jill Corleone
If you're eating a high-protein diet to lose weight or increase muscle mass, your body may be producing high amounts of urea, a byproduct of protein metabolism. Urea builds up in your blood, and the excess is excreted by the kidneys through your urine. Consuming too much protein may strain your kidneys, and if your kidneys aren't working well, it may cause further damage. Consult your doctor before starting a high-protein diet.
About Protein
Protein is found in every cell, tissue and organ in your body, and these proteins need constant replacement. That makes the protein in foods you eat essential for good health. Protein is found in a number of different types of foods, including meats, poultry, fish, beans, soy foods, dairy, nuts, seeds, grains and vegetables. When you eat protein, your body breaks it down into amino acids, which are used to replace the protein in your body. Your body cannot store excess protein, and the extra amino acids are catabolized into energy and ammonia. The ammonia is then turned into urea and eliminated from your body.
Testing Urea Levels
Two tests measure urea levels in your body: the urea nitrogen urine test and the blood urea nitrogen, or BUN, test. Normally, you excrete 12 to 20 grams of urea nitrogen a day in your urine. If you're excreting more than normal levels in your urine, it may indicate that you are consuming too much protein. The BUN is a blood test, and like the urine test, an elevated BUN may indicate that you're consuming more protein than your body needs. However, an elevated BUN may also be due to kidney disease, congestive heart failure, a recent heart attack or dehydration and may require further testing.