why was burzahom chosen as a settlement area by humans ?
The ancient site and remains in Burzahom comprise structures, bone tools, stone tools and pottery from the Neolithic period and Megalithic period. There are also several dwellings and burial pits from the Neolithic period.
The Burzahom archaeological site is located in the Kashmir Valley of the Indian union territory of Jammu and Kashmir.[1] Archaeological excavations have revealed four phases of cultural significance between 3000 BC and 1000 BC.[2] Periods I and II represent the Neolithic era; Period III the Megalithic era (of massive stone menhirs and wheel turned red pottery); and Period IV relates to the early Historical Period (Post-megalithic period). The findings, recorded in stratified cultural deposits representing prehistoric human activity in Kashmir, are based on detailed investigations that cover all aspects of the physical evidence of the site, including the ancient flora and fauna.
The Burzahom site revealed the transition from the subterranean and ground level housing features of the Neolithic people to the mudbrick structures of the Megalithic people. The large cache of tools and implements made of bone and stone found at the site shows that the inhabitants were hunting and farming.