Social Sciences, asked by gunisha2, 1 year ago

Why was rashtrakuta dynasty able to rule for a long period ???


Answered by raotd


Rashtrakutas originally originated from Satyaki, a Yadava chief of North India. The Rashtrakutas of Malkhed (Manyakheta) had earned a name for themselves. The Rashtrakuta Empire was a powerful kingdom during the period between 8th century and 10th century. The dynasty  was fortunate for having worthy kings. They were powerful, brave and able administrators.

Dantidurga: The greatness of Rashtrakuta dynasty began with King Dantidurga. After victories over the kings of Kanchi, Kalinga, Kosala, Shri-Saila, Malwa, Lata and Sanka kingdoms, he performed the famous Hiranyagarbha ceremony at Ujjaini.



Rashtrakutas originally originated from Satyaki, a Yadava chief of North India. The Rashtrakutas of Malkhed (Manyakheta) had earned a name for themselves. The Rashtrakuta Empire was a powerful kingdom during the period between 8th century and 10th century. The dynasty  was fortunate for having worthy kings. They were powerful, brave and able administrators.

Dantidurga: The greatness of Rashtrakuta dynasty began with King Dantidurga. After victories over the kings of Kanchi, Kalinga, Kosala, Shri-Saila, Malwa, Lata and Sanka kingdoms, he performed the famous Hiranyagarbha ceremony at Ujjaini.


He also defeated the Chalukya King and won victory over Vallabha. He defeated the Arabs and destroyed the Gurjara kingdom of Nandipuri. He led an expedition to Malwa. The Eastern Madhya Pradesh was also brought under his political influence. He was so powerful that by the end of 750 A.D. he became virtually the master of Central and Southern Gujrat, Madhya Pradesh and Berar. The Chalukya king Kirtivarman II was also defeated by King Dantidurga and thus he occupied the whole of Maharashtra. However, due to his unpopularity he was deposed of by his Uncle Krishna I who ascended the throne as the new king.

King Krishna I became the next ruler. By defeating the Chalukya king Kirtivarman II he completely ended the Chalukya Empire. The Gangas of Mysore and the Chalukya king of Vengi were also defeated by him. It was under Krishna I that the Rashtrakutas became the absolute master of Deccan. Krishna I’s reign is remarkable for the rock cut temple of Kailasa at Ellora which still stands as one of the most marvelous works ever accomplished by man.

Govinda II succeeded to the throne after the death of King Krishna I. But he could rule for a short period and was supplanted by his brother Dhruva who was indeed an able and war-minded prince.

Dhruva Dharavarsha defeated both the Prathihar King Vatsaraja and the great Pala King Dharmapala. The ruler of Vengi was also defeated and the Pallava ruler was subjugated.


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