English, asked by abdullah76, 10 months ago

why was the Holy quran sent in arabic​


Answered by kumarikhushi

If it is considered that it is necessary to recite the Quran in its original language for non-Arab Muslims too, it will be understood what an ease it is for non-Arab Muslims and why Islam is a universal language. Thus, by sending down the Quran in Arabic, God Almighty chose the best language in terms of being easy to be understood: “Allah intends every facility for you He does not want to put you to difficulties...” (al-Baqara, 185).” (Kur’an’ın Getirdiği, Emin Işık).

“It will be sufficient to state the following in order to explain the reasons why the Quran was sent in Arabic: Apart from being a very rich and lively language in terms of verb inflections, personal pronouns and word formation, Arabic has a very strong power and ability against semantic shifts and misunderstanding. No language in the world, including the most developed languages like English and French, has the power of expression to match Arabic. Many scholars attribute it greatly to that characteristic of Arabic that the Quran was sent in Arabic.

However, there is one more important characteristics that they have overlooked: Arabic is the most phonetic (easy to pronounce) language because there are only four vowels in Arabic. It is one of the languages with the least vowels and with the easiest pronunciation among the languages of the world. The difficulty of the pronunciation of a language is directly proportional with the number of the vowels in that language. As it is known, there are eight vowels in Turkish. In English and French, there are more than 10 vowels. The other world languages have more than seven or eight vowels. However, there are only four vowels (A, E, I and U) in Arabic, and they are present in almost all languages and are the most widely used ones. Thus, an Arab who wants to learn another language and to speak it well has to learn some sounds that are not present in Arabic and has to get used to them. However, someone who is not an Arab will not have any difficulty in getting used to the sounds in Arabic because the sounds in Arabic are the main sounds that are widely used in his language.

If it is considered that it is necessary to recite the Quran in its original language for non-Arab Muslims too, it will be understood what an ease it is for non-Arab Muslims and why Islam is a universal language. Thus, by sending down the Quran in Arabic, God Almighty chose the best language in terms of being easy to be understood: “Allah intends every facility for you He does not want to put you to difficulties...” (al-Baqara, 185).”

I hope I will help you

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