English, asked by zzzzzzzzzzz9124, 1 year ago

Why was the seagull alone on the ledge


Answered by adeshcool2050

Read the lesson thoroughly

khushi57597: ok
khushi57597: fo
Answered by prernapriya2612

The young seagull was terribly afraid of flying.His parents wanted him to fly with them.But whenever he ran a little forward to fly ,he got frightened.He  failed to gather up the courage to fly.His two brothers and his sister had already started flying.But the young seagull felt that his wings would not support him .Due to this he couldn't fly.His parents rebuked him for this.They warned him that unless he flew , he would die of starvation.But he couldn't fly due to a great fear.So they flew leaving him alone on the ledge.

prernapriya2612: hey guys! I am new in brainly
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