Why was there a flicker of terror in the eyes of a man? Which conversation
brought this terror in him?
The old General is a man whose personal considerations overweighted all other considerations. Even though the Second World War was in progress and a doctor of the calibre of Dr. Sadao would have proved to be a blessing for the wounded soldiers on the front, he was retained in Japan because he was indispensable to the General’s health and well being. Despite knowing about the presence of the American soldier at Dr. Sadao’s house he refrains from sending his private assassins to kill the enemy soldier. He understands Dr. Sadao’s importance for his own survival and so does not want to take a chance in case the assassins accidently harm Dr. Sadao or his wife. The General, therefore, comes across as a strange and selfish person who is actually too preoccupied with his own self. He being a General, his illness and his fear of death outweigh all his other considerations, even those towards his country.
The Theme of the story:
The writer of the story conveys that there comes a time in a man's life when it is required for him to lift from petty considerations of race, nationality and act in human consideration. Dr. Sadao being patriotic Japanese hates Americans as his enemies.