Chemistry, asked by tatasng123, 1 year ago

why we write 4s 4p and 4d,..why not 5s before writing electronic config​


Answered by Sike15


Tatasng123, hi.

there is an order in which you read the electronic configuration. It is from top tight to bottom left. Due to this order, 5s cones before 4d. Hope you understood

Answered by vidhyasuresh
This is because filling the subshell configuration obeys n+l rule. Where n is the principal quantum number and l is the azimuthal number l=0 for s; 1 for p; 2 for d&3 for f.
1s. n+l=1+0=1
And so on
2p n+l=2+1=3 and thus you can find n+l values of all subshells. Those subshells having lower n+l value are filled first. Now if more than one subshell have same n+l value take the one having lower n value. Now taking the case of 4d n+l=4+2=6and that of 5s=5+0=5 so having lower n+l value 5s is filled first
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