Sociology, asked by thabetiharshith2, 2 months ago

why were Asian and African so easily dominated by western power​


Answered by mamta29111979


kkEach area / country for different reasons.

China - the Ming dynasty was overthrown in the mid-17th century by the Manchu and the Chinese population chaffed under the foreign rule. In the beginning of the 19th century the Kingdom was in decline. Emperor Quialong had ruled China for 60 years until 1795. In the first 40 years of his reign he had been a great ruler. Among other things he conquered the Xinqian area (Western China) and Taiwan. The conquest of Xinqian was a major logistic feat, the planning of which was started under his grandfather, Emperor Kangxi. This feat seems to have exhausted many of the empire’s resources. In the last 20 years of his reign, Quialong seems to have suffered from what appears to the modern reader as mind diseases (dementia, Alzheimer, etc…) and the empire was troubled.

1800 (5 years after Quialong’s demise) is the year during which the history economists decided that, for the first time in history, an European country overtook China in economic terms; that was England.

Under the Manchu rule, initiative in general and technical developments in particular had been greatly stifled. In Europe it was the opposite and great advances had been made in naval and armament developments.

After Quialong, domestic trouble increased which culminated in the Boxer rebellion against the Manchu rule. In the mid-19th century, China suffered a major earthquake of such a magnitude that the Yangtze changed its course. Enormous tracts of arable tracts were lost, centuries old irrigation canals were destroyed. Famine and disease spread. China was an easy prey for the British. Later, in 1895, it was an easy prey for Japan.

India - until 1947 India had never been one single unified state / empire.

In 1610, Babur, the ruler of modern Uzbekistan, was forced to abandon his country to the advancing Chickpak. Babur decided to invade India. He invaded via the Khyber pass in Afghanistan, a major feat in itself. In 1625 Delhi was occupied.

Babur founded the Mughal dynasty and they ruled about 2/3 of India, down to Bangalore. Their rule was troubled by constant unquiet and local revolts. Some of the rulers added oil to the fire by passing all kind of laws against the local religions and favoring Islam. They mutilated an untold number of Hindu deities statues all over the country (you can see a good example in the palaces and temples of Gwalior).

Economically, the Mughals bled India dry by their life style. It is said that a Mughal prince needed a “small” retinue of 50,000 people for a quick trip between 2 cities. Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal in memory of his wife. It took 50 years to build and all of the economic resources of the empire were dedicated to this building. Development of agriculture and irrigation was totally stopped. The Indian economy was so badly affected by this waste of resources that it remained in a debilitated state till today. Until the Mughals came, India was the richest area in the world, much more than China and with an enormous industrial output!

Come the 19th century and the growing British presence. One of the revolting peoples (forgot which) asked the British to help them against the Mughals. At this time, the Mughals were in an advanced state of decay. The British were happy to step in and the rest is history.

South Africa - this area was originally occupied by several backward African people. and lightly populated. Huguenots from the Netherlands were the first Europeans to settle there. In the 19th century 2 waves of invasion arrived:

a. the Zulu kingdom spread south Kenya, Mozambique, etc… The British arrived. War ensued. Eventually, European technology and superior organization prevailed.

Central Africa - the story is less clear cut but it is some variation of South Africa. All of this area had been weakened by Muslims previous to Europeans arrival. Muslims were the greatest slave traders in history and they greatly decimated the African populations and destroyed their kingdoms.

I hope this very brief explanation has been helpful.


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