Why were European traders interested in
Hoding in india?
Till the 17th century, India was the richest country in the world and India and China contributed nearly 40% of of the GDP.
China invented Silk, Gun powder, paper mathematics, jade and Invented, Mathematics, Trignometry, Algebra, Astronemy, metallurgy, spices, and many tropical specialities like cotton and clothes. Thus they were both rich.
Contented Indians were not militaristic. The wars over principalities wer more a ego battles less towards looting the riches of other wealth and wars were isolated in designated place without destruction of material wealth. Of course there were loss of life .
India had the spices and they grew only in tropic. Pepper that enhanced taste was worth more than its weight in gold. Introduction of chillies reduced the importance of pepper still quite expensive. Indians used to bring by maritime traffic spices from Malayan peninsula and Sumatran and Mayan islands. Cholas were a great maritime power. However Indians were peaceful traders.
However after the capture of Constantinople by Arabs the commerce came to a stop. And the Europeans were desperate for Indian goods. They managed to find the sea routes to India. Indian sailor helped Vasco da Gama to find way from Cape of Good Hope (Cape Town).
EaIndia was divided into several principalities. India prince never deciphered the machinations of the trader. They used take the help from these traders. They exploited both sides and Gobbled all the principalities one by one. They were making huge profits and Indians became progressively poor.
The princes were enormously rich and Nizam of Hyderabad was the richest man in the world. The scale of riches can be measured by the jewels and treasures found in Sri Padmanabha Swamy Temple, Trivandrum, Brihadeeswara temple of Tamil Nadu. The Palaces of Mysore in the middle of Mysore district which was one of the poorest districts of India. Salar Jung Museum in Hyderabad which was just a collection and he was only a minister under Nizam. The wealth Mr. Bhuttos family which was looted from the Junagad princely state Bhuttos Grand Parents were Dewans. If this was the wealth of India one may calculate the amount of weath looted the objects in the British Museum the Crown Jewels including Kohinoor Diamonds.
It is no surprise west wanted to trade with Inia. It is matter of shame that Indians ask such questions. This can only mean Indians were not taught history. Of course India always had right wingers who were against India's Independence. They actively collaborated with British. This is the legacy of a section of Indian leaders. The hatred was so deep that one among them assassinated Father of the nation and even today there are people who propagate such ideals.