Why were pregnant women, weak individuals, and the sick the first to be executed in the Nazi concentration camps?
Nazi Concentreation Camps were meant for exploiting the prisoners of war during world war II.
Those who were unfit for any kind of physical labour were executed first.
Since pregnant women, sick and weak individuals were unable to do physical work, they were executed before others.
Even other prisoners died due to disease, starvation and burden of work in the Nazi Concentration Camps.
Pregnant Women, weak and sick individuals are executed first in Nazi concentration camps due to their inability to work as labor.
Nazi concentration camps exploited the prisoners of war during World War II. Those who were unfit for any physical labor works were executed first. Since pregnant women and sick people are weak to do physical work they were executed first. Some people died due to disease, starvation and burden of work in the Nazi concentration Camps
There were 50000 women murdered at German camp in which 2500 killed in one weekend. Women’s camp is used for “heinous medical experiment”.