History, asked by psamyuktha901, 1 year ago

Why were Tamil Nadu and Kerala not captured or ruled by Mughal Kings or any emperors before them? Does it mean that they were strong enough to defend themselves, or that nobody wanted to invade them because it wasn’t worth it?


Answered by shivani143913


South Indians fought back with all their might and held the invaders back! Like all Indians, they did everything they could to resist foreign invaders. Fortunately, they were more successful than their northern brothers and managed to remain independent till the British came.

South India is just as rich (a prize) as North and it’s terrain is just as varied and easy / difficult as the north for any conquest. South India has traded with the western world since the time of king Solomon and it was well known through the world as a treasure trove of gems and gold. So every invader wanted it.

Fortunately, South Indian rulers were strong and managed to extend their territories all the way to Cambodia - proving how well armed and well organised they were. Their navy and ships were able to trade with Spice Islands to the East and Africa and Arabia to the west. Their armies were strong and they fought back every invader that came their way.

Muslims made a dent in the South every now and again eg Mallik Kafur, rulers of Golkonda, Tipu Sultan, Aurangzeb, Nawab of Hydrabad etc. But, as soon as the locals saw their chance, they rebelled and removed the yoke of foreign rule.

This is not to say our northern brothers were weak by comparison. They held back the tide of islam for 400 years (700 - 1100 AD) before finally being defeated by ‘gun powder’ - a new weapon we had no defence against. Being close to the Khyber pass, North Indians have suffered waves upon waves of invasion and still refused to give up their ancient culture. In fact, Mathura and Kashi are only few days march from muslim capitals, yet, they flourished because the Hindus resisted being subsumed by islam. Southern India had time to learn of this new invader and their tactics and devise ways to protect itself.

Rajasthan remained staunchly in Hindu hands even under the Mughals. Marathas and Jats fought back and eventually defeated the Mughals. So North has not been lagging behind in military might. Its just that being closer to Asia by land, they have suffered longer and more keenly than the South.

South Indians have resisted invaders militarily and culturally for many centuries. Their strength and resolve spanning several centuries is to be applauded.

PS - I just read that Kanya Kumari is where ‘Sati’s’ backbone fell. No wonder the Tamils and people of the cape have such a strong ‘backbone’ of their own!

Answered by pinnaclewinner


The main reason was that they were never able to fully conduct an effective millitary campaign till the Southernmost tip of India. The Mughal invasion took place only till the Narmada Doab region, and during the time of Aurangzeb, it extended till the Deccan (parts of Northern Karnataka - Bijapur, etc.).

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