why were the metals , writing ,the wheel ,and the plough important for the harappans?
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Metals, writing, the wheel and the plough were important for the Harappans in many ways. Metals were used for making various tools, utensils, jewelry and seals. Writing was useful for maintaining the records; related to trade and for various other purposes. The wheel was used in carts to ferry people and goods.
Hope this is gonna help you!!!
Thanks MOLLY
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Thanks for the question.
Harappan Civilization is the first civilization flourished in the world. It spreaded in North West India and up to countries like Pakistan, Baluchistan, Afghanistan etc.Well,Harappan civilization is also known as Indus Civilization. It is known as Harappan because Archaeological Survey of India first excavated about this civilization in the city named Harappa.
The salient features of Harappan civilization were: Harappa experienced first urbanization in the world. Harappa had under ground drainage system, two storeyed houses, grid pattern of houses, roads with curved corners etc. There was citadel in the city. One of the greatest features of Harappa was Great bath.
Coming to your question, The study of metals, writings,wheel, plough, etc because they were the proofs for the existence of Harappans. Bronze was widely used in Harappa. Agriculture was main occupation. They mostly cultivated wheat, barely, rice etc. Harappans had a script which was not deciphered. It is in bostro fedol form. There were seals also which were used in trade purpose. The seals were made up of steatite. Harappans worshipped mother goddesses, Protoshiva, phyllus and Linga. The excavation of Harappa were done by Archaeological survey of India under the leadership of Marshall.
Thanks for the question.
Harappan Civilization is the first civilization flourished in the world. It spreaded in North West India and up to countries like Pakistan, Baluchistan, Afghanistan etc.Well,Harappan civilization is also known as Indus Civilization. It is known as Harappan because Archaeological Survey of India first excavated about this civilization in the city named Harappa.
The salient features of Harappan civilization were: Harappa experienced first urbanization in the world. Harappa had under ground drainage system, two storeyed houses, grid pattern of houses, roads with curved corners etc. There was citadel in the city. One of the greatest features of Harappa was Great bath.
Coming to your question, The study of metals, writings,wheel, plough, etc because they were the proofs for the existence of Harappans. Bronze was widely used in Harappa. Agriculture was main occupation. They mostly cultivated wheat, barely, rice etc. Harappans had a script which was not deciphered. It is in bostro fedol form. There were seals also which were used in trade purpose. The seals were made up of steatite. Harappans worshipped mother goddesses, Protoshiva, phyllus and Linga. The excavation of Harappa were done by Archaeological survey of India under the leadership of Marshall.
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