Why when conducting secondary market research is there a need for sampling.
Explanation :
- The word "Sampling" refers to getting opinions from several people chosen from a specific group.
- Through Sampling, Marketers can investigate and draw information about their chosen market.
- The Secondary data of Market Research have published data. They are readily available to marketers.
- These contain the data required for the specific purpose other than specific research problems.
- They can be used without further processing or analyzing.
To know more about Sampling in market research, visit :
Market research used to identify ----------of people - https://brainly.in/question/2628426
Secondary market research is one of the methods of market research usually conducted firm or companies or any business/commercial organisation.It involves collection,processing and analysis of information and data about any particular market from some other sources or individual/s.Sampling is usually not a component or method of secondary market research.
Secondary market often involves collection,processing and evaluation of various secondary market data or information collection secondhand from any other secondary source/s such as television,newspaper,internet,video or audio coverage,secondary reports,publications,journals,surveys conducted by other individuals or agencies and so forth.Hence,secondary sources of market research often includes information or data that are already collected through other sources and agencies and therefore,constitutes second hand data or information for any firm or business organisation.Note that in this case,the firm or the company is not collecting the market data or information by itself or by their own research staff or personnel.Therefore,there is generally no requirement of primary data or information collection methods such as direct surveys,observational studies or public interviews and so on.Now,sampling is a process of sub dividing or sub grouping of the target population of any research study mostly required in direct public surveys or interviews,which are part of primary methods of research.Therefore,since secondary market or any type of research only involves secondary or secondhand data or information collection and not any primary data collection procedure such as public interviews or survey,sampling processes or methods are not usually in this case.