English, asked by baghelarjun456, 5 months ago

Why will she not take care of the child in passive ​


Answered by Anonymous


Why the child has not been taken care by her

Answered by beccaam1102



They said that he became insane after the death of his wife.

He was said to have become insane after the death of his wife.



1.   I am sure they will take care of the child properly.  

2.   Someone is conducting research into the private life of that great sculptor.  

3.   People consider him to be the richest man in the country.  

4.   They say that these herbs are good for rheumatism.  

5.   We think that she is the most understanding and patient teacher in the school.  

6.   We shall have to deal with these problems one at a time.  

7.   They took down the old notice, but they put up another one in its place.  

8.   The teacher ordered Tom out of the classroom because he was making too much noise.  

9.   We understand that his invention is of the greatest importance and secrecy.  

10.   The family left the hall lights on in case they decided to come back that night.  

11.   The men pushed the car into the river so that no one would discover it.  

12.   Someone locked the detective in the room while he was absorbed in examining something.  

13.   They thought that the boy was joking when he mentioned his part in the tragedy.  

14.   People believe that witches from nearby villages met in the woods when the moon was full.  

15.   They would destroy anyone or anything that stood in their path.  

16.   You ought to warn him that what he is doing is dangerous and that it might hurt someone.  

17.   After they had repaired it and figured out the cost, they sent him the bill.  

18.   The neighbors say that he married his wife while he was abroad and that he brought her here only after five years.  



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