Why would people listen to lonely genre songs? Are they depressed or something? Is it a clear sign that the person is needing some attention like attention seekers?
People could listen to lonely songs to seek comfort in the fact that they relate to someone, especially someone who goes through a state of grief like they do. They could be depressed, or they could feel lonely, they could be trying to get in contact with people who may not know because people who are lonely struggle to get in touch with reality. They look for company, not seek attention.
I agree with the other answer but I also want to raise another argument:
While there are cases where people gravitate towards a type of music because their feelings align with it, it isn't always the case.
There can be people who listen to songs with lyrics that talk about loneliness, not because they feel lonely, but because the music genre and how the songs sound appeals to them.
Not everyone who listens to ballads is sad, not everyone who listens to artists that make love songs are in love, not everyone who listens to heartbreak songs are heartbroken, not everyone who listens to songs which are about depression relate to those feelings. Music is subjective, and certain things draw you towards certain genres.
Do you think all people who listen to diss tracks or songs about flexing relate to the song? The person liking a song doesn't automatically mean that they agree with the message of the song and relate to it.
If it is indeed true that people always relate to the lyrics that are in the songs they listen to, how can we explain people liking vastly different genres at the same time? How can we explain people liking both k-pop and rock? It doesn't seem to add up.
There is a good chance that people who listen to what you call "lonely genre" songs indeed feel lonely and/or depressed. But there is no way of being one hundred percent sure about it.
I forgot to mention that the lyrics don't matter as much as the melody of the songs to certain people like myself so that skews the discussion a bit.