Wil Wheaton who has filled in the shoes of Professor Proton in the show Professor Proton Fun with Mathematics wanted the kids to learn about Special number.(A 2-digit number is said to be a special number if the sum of sum of its digits and the product of its digits is equal to the number itself. For example, 19 is a special number. The digits in 19 are 1 and 9. The sum of the digits is 10 and the product of the digits is 9. 10+9 = 19.) Can you help Wil to write a C++ program to find all special numbers between 2 limits m and n(both inclusive). Assume that m and n are 2-digit numbers.
A motor car having a mass 50 kg moving with a velocity of 40 metre per second and it takes 2 seconds to stop after the brakes are applied the force exerted by the brakes on the motor car will be *
- 100N
- 1000N
Which of the following is not an application of Newton's second law of motion *
Cricket player moves his hand backward on catching a fast cricket ball
Walking of a person in the ground
A high jumping athlete is provided either a cushion or a heap of sand on the ground to fall upon
All the above
Which of the following statement is correct *
The slope of velocity time graph represents acceleration
In velocity time graph area under curve represents the
The C++ code to find all the special numbers between m and n is given below.