Wildlife protection act hunting of wild animals desikanoon
The Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 is an Act of the Parliament of India enacted for protection of plants and animal species. ... It has six schedules which give varying degrees of protection. Schedule I and part II of Schedule II provide absolute protection - offences under these are prescribed the highest penalties.
Wild Life, which is a part and parcel of the environment, constitutes wealth of the nation. it included wild animals, birds, plants etc. However, man, in the process of progress and development and also for his selfish ends, is causing much damage to the forests and wild life. Wild life is nature's gift and its decline has an adverse effect of ecology and hence there is an urgent need to protect the wild life. Therefore, in order to protect the wild life from destruction, the Indian Parliament passed the Wild Life (Protection) Act in the year 1972.
The main object of the Act is to provide protection to the wild animals birds and plants. The Act empowers the Central Govt. to declare certain areas as Sanctuaries or National Parks. The Act prohibits hunting of wild animals; birds etc. and impose punishment for violating the same.
Salient Features
The Act contains 66 Sections divided into seven chapters and six schedules. Chapter- I ( Secs. 1 and 2 ) contains short title and definitions. Chapter - II deals with Authorities under the Act. Chapter - III deals with the protection of Specified Plants. Chapter - IV provides for declaration of sanctuaries, National Parks and Closed Areas. Chapter - IV - A deals with Central Zoo Authority and Recognition of Zoos. Chapter- V deals with Trade or Commerce in Wild Animals, Animal Articles and Trophies. Chapter - V- A deals with prohibition of Trade or Commerce in Trophies, Animal Articles etc. Chapter- VI relates to Prevention and Detection of offences and finally Chapter- VII contains Miscellaneous Provisions.