Will a person with Type 2 diabetes under control end up with the need for insulin?
A: As you may have read, Type 2 diabetes is a progressive disease. Will you require insulin? That all depends on individual factors that includes, among many other factors, weight, exercise, genetics, hormones and beta-cells, those cells that produce insulin in your pancreas. Research shows that managing your diabetes early in the disease process can have big payoffs in later years. Joining a support group for people with diabetes can be helpful in keeping you going in your health quest. Following up with your health care team regularly and keeping abreast on the new developments in diabetes management can also benefit you.
Insulin helps keeps your blood sugar level from getting too high or too low .
Diabetes is a progressive disease and the body may require insulin injections to compensate for declining insulin production by the pancreas.
Every person with diabetes being treated with insulin should be trained by a health care professional.