English, asked by gesu12, 8 months ago

will modern media change our life for better or for worse in the next 20 years?


Answered by Anonymous


better okkk................


Answered by nusratsaba01


With the continuous development of modern media technology, constantly updated means of communication and increasingly rich forms of communication, mass media almost always affects people in all aspects of life. In current society, a variety of communications activities has become indispensable in our lives. As an example, the radio program “Mars on Earth” reported in 1938, which led to huge panic in the United States adequately illustrated this point.

TV, newspapers, online news, and radio stations and other news media access to information are now the most important source of information for people to understand the social. Media as an integral part of life, its coverage means often affects the public’s mood, and the report of people’s point of view often leads the trend of public opinion. While the continuous spread of important information for the audience, the media is also instilling the relevant concept to audience in a subtle way, in order to affects our attitude, and thus to some extent, to change our view of the world. Just as C. Wright Mills stated that “Media not only give us information, they guide our very experiences.”

This paper will make a detailed analysis of the social function of the media, first introduced the media function in the information dissemination, and discusses the media as information channel for people to provide services. Then this paper will analyze in which way the media influence people’s attitudes, behaviors and experiences.

2.0 The social function of the media

The news media is part of the whole social system, which is responsible for reporting the development of the whole society and change, recording the process of the functioning of society bit by bit, with has social information dissemination, public opinion, social supervision and cultural heritage features. In all above, information dissemination is the most basic function of the media, and it has been undertaking to pass true and accurate social information, as well as the task of passing the first-hand information to the audience.

Through continually providing a large number of reports of the social events, media transfers flow of information about the surrounding environment, transportation, culture, news, financial market to the public, and also a variety of impending disaster has occurred or, threats and other information to meet their needs. (Bryant & Oliver, 2009) In addition to the basic functions of information dissemination, media also has social supervision, education and guidance functions. This paper focuses on the social function of how media guides people’s behavior.

3.0 Means by which media guide people’s experience

3.1 Media decides the content and intensity of information dissemination by news selection

There are many large and small event happen every day in the world, reporters choose what to report and what not to have set the window limits for the mass audience, and the scope of the subject of discussion. (Deephouse, 2000) The media measures whether the incident should be reported and how they are reported by a certain news value, in which the fresh of news and timeliness are the key criteria.

The fierce ratings competition between media makes the journalists must be ready to face tight time pressure; they all hope to make exclusive reports and starting the news. (Lengel & Trevino, 1987) When a hot topic in the head, the media will rush to chase stories, all television, newspaper layout with large, a lot of time around the same topic, it is important to create the atmosphere. But soon, when the subject lost its news value, it will completely disappear in the media. The chase of timely news brings urgent pressure of time, so that media workers have difficulties to do in-depth coverage of events. The media led the public to focus a particular issue, it will also lead us quickly forget the subject.

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3.2 To guide the public emotions through different ways of media coverage

Press report is easy to influence the public’s perception of news events, and lead us to a particular point of view to understand the event. The news media report implied social customs, ethics, philosophy, personality temperament and other news elements of influence and control human emotions more and more apparent. (Scannell, 1992) For example, media report to specific geographical coverage and the spread of video content, due to re-process or phenomenon and not only focus on its nature, to live lives of such people would deepen the misunderstanding of people and things, the tendency of these people and events to be rendering, and thus have a negative impact on the public: not only will affect the group’s feelings, but also affects the positioning.

Media’s role is to help us to transcend personal experience of life constraints, let us know what is happening in other corners. News


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