History, asked by lilithafunes1, 6 months ago

Choose an explorer, and write an informative essay regarding his role in the New World. Include evidence-based research from reliable sources. Your essay should include a thesis statement, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Your essay should also include a mathematical calculation regarding the modern-day cost of the exploration in order to help the reader better understand the exploration. When you are finished, upload your completed essay for grading.

Choose one of the following explorers and write a 500-word informative essay regarding his role in the New World. Include information about the explorer's work and an evaluation of its historical significance. Provide present-day calculations of how much the exploration would cost today.

Cabot De Soto Columbus
Drake Joliet Ponce de Leon
Balboa Champlain Magellan
Pizarro Hudson Vespucci
Cortes Coronado


Answered by Anonymous


e year 1513, a group of men led by Vasco Núñez de Balboa marched across the Isthmus of Panama and discovered the Pacific Ocean. They had been looking for it—they knew it existed—and, familiar as they were with oceans, they had no difficulty in recognizing it when they saw it. On their way, however, they saw a good many things they had not been looking for and were not familiar with. When they returned to Spain to tell what they had seen, it was not a simple matter to find words for everything.

For example, they had killed a large and ferocious wild animal. They called it a tiger, although there were no tigers in Spain and none of the men had ever seen one before. Listening to their story was Peter Martyr, member of the King's Council of the Indies and possessor of an insatiable curiosity about the new land that Spain was uncovering in the west. How, the learned man asked them, did they know that the ferocious animal was a tiger? They answered "that they knewe it by the spottes, fiercenesse, agilitie, and such other markes and tokens whereby auncient writers have described the Tyger." It was a good answer. Men, confronted with things they do not recognize, turn to the writings of those who have had a wider experience. And in 1513 it was still assumed that the ancient writers had had a wider experience than those who came after them.

Answered by Anonymous


above answer is right

because my bro has given

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