Physics, asked by 1717kunalpatil, 11 months ago

Will the mass and weight of an object on the earth be same on their values on Mars?Why?


Answered by priyanshuyadav19


the mass will be same wether on moon or earth but the weight will differ.


this happens coz mass is a permanent value of mass content in an object where as weight is = m*g and the g on moon is zero so the final product i.e. 'weight' becomes 0 on moon

But on earth the g is 9.8 so the person of same mass have different weight on earth and moon

Answered by disada18


The mass will remain the same but the weight will change.


Mass of an object remains same irrespective of its location. So mass will be same on both Mars and Earth. However the weight is measure of force exerted by a body on the ground. Hence this value will be affected by the local value of gravitational acceleration. And gravitational acceleration or 'g' is different on the two planets. So the weight will differ.

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