Wite a letter to your younger brother suggestion him some important safety measures against covid19
Answered by
subhash tivari
ram nagar near india hites
Akola 444100
Dt - 25 April 2020
dear subhash,
How are you ? I am fine here. I hope you know that the corona virus is so harmful and get spread rapidly due to virus . I am care ful for this
and you must be so careful for it.
- you must take use of mask.
- you must wash your hands regurally
- you must make social distanceing.
- you must avoid to go in market.
- be careful
- while snozing and sneezing take help of tissue paper .
those safety measures are important to take against covid19 .
Tell those suggestions to the mummy and papà .take care of them . and tell I am fine here.
don't worry about it.
convey my regards to grandpa and so many love to chintu
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