Chemistry, asked by faizu17, 8 months ago

wite the application of common ion effect?​


Answered by physisit


Applications of common ion effect::

1 Purification of common salt

2 precipitation of sulphides in GROUP2 in qualitative analysis

explanation of second point

After removing the insoluble chlorides of Group 1 the solution is made more acidic by addition of dil.hcl acid. when H2S is passed through the solution only the insoluble sulphides will precipitatate. it is because of the higher concentration of H+ by common ion effect.

3 Purification of hydroxides in Group 3 in qualitative analysis

explanation of 3rd point

To the filterate from Group 2 is added NH4CL and then NH4OH is supressed by the addition of highly ionised NH4CL which provides the common ion NH4+


read the explanations and study the 3 points...hope it helps ::tomorrow is my sem exam physics please pray for me::

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