wite velasco's diary after reaching
homeland based on the story
The Shipwrecked sailor'
Velasco dairy after reaching his home
Diary Entry:
Sunday, 31st January 2022
Time: 10:30pm
Dear Diary,
I never imagined that I would still be alive and with my loved ones today. We were sailing in the Caribbean Sea with four other buddies. The spacecraft abruptly fell into a chasm and vanished. I believed that I was completely alone myself in the ocean. I soon started to hear neighbouring yells. My buddy Caraballo's voice immediately sprang to mind. I quickly noticed that my fellow shipmates had also been tossed into the water. On the peak of the wave, I unintentionally spotted two life rafts.
swam for around three minutes while attempting to get it. I succeeded in boarding at last. In an effort to reach the raft, Castillo, Caraballo, and Luis Rengifo were struggling to keep above the water. I grabbed the oars and made an effort to keep my pals close by. I then noticed my fourth teammate Ramon Herrera waving at me. I started to paddle frantically. I had to row against the wind since it was quite difficult to manoeuvre in the choppy sea. I turned to look, but Herrera was no longer there. Rengifo was boldly swimming toward the raft.
I then learned that Castillo and Caraballo had disappeared. Rengifo could be seen swimming toward the raft. Rengifo and I were separated by five metres. I attempted to row, but in vain. I made one final effort to help Rengifo. Unfortunately, Rengifo plummeted permanently as a result of my failure. Until I was rescued, I was all by myself at sea without food or drink. Thank God for saving me.