Biology, asked by rinasailin, 10 months ago

With a loud scream he fell outwards and downwards into space. Then terror seized
felt his wings spread outwards.
The wind rushed against his breast feathers, then
under the stomach and against his wings. He could feel the tips of his wings cutting
through the air. He was not falling headlong now. He was soaring gradually
downwards and outwards. He was no longer afraid. Then he flapped his wings
once and he soared upwards. He uttered a joyous scream and flapped them again.
He soared higher. His mother flew past him, her wings making a loud noise. He
answered her with another scream. Then his father flew over him, screaming
Then he saw his two brothers and his sister flying around him.
th him and he turned his beak sideways and crowed​


Answered by sup271



Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:

Question 1.

With a loud scream he fell outwards and downward into space. Then a monstrous terror seized him and his heart stood still. He could hear nothing. But it only lasted a minute. The next moment he felt his wings spread outwards. The wind rushed against his breast feathers, then under his stomach and against his wings. (1×4=4)

(a) How did the young seagull learn to fly?

(b) How long did the young seagulls fear last?

(c) Find the word from the passage which means the same as terrible.

(d) Who fell outwards and downward into space?


(a) The young seagull tried to dive at the fish and fell outwards and downwards into the space. His wings spread and the wind helped him in flying.

(b) The young seagulls fear lasted for a short whilejust after a minute the seagulls mother wanted him to follow her.

(c) Monstrous means the same as terrible.

(d) The young seagull.

Question 2.

He stepped slowly out to the brink of the ledge, and standing on one leg with the other leg hidden under his wing he closed one eye, then the other and pretended to be falling asleep. Still they took no notice of him. (1×4=4)

(a) Who is they in the above lines?

(b) What was the seagull afraid of?

(c) Trace a word from the passage which means the edge of land before a steep slope.

(d) What did the seagull pretended.


(a) They refer to the seagulls parents.

(b) The seagull was afraid of flying.

(c) Brink means the edge of land before a steep slope.

(d) The young seagull pretended to be falling asleep.

Question 3.

They were beckoning to him, calling shrilly. He dropped his legs to stand on the green sea. His legs sank into it. He screamed with fright and attempted to rise again flapping his wings. But he was tired and weak with hunger and he could not rise, exhausted by the strange exercise. His feet sank into the green sea, and then his belly touched it and he sank no farther. He was floating on it, and around him his family was screaming, praising him and their beaks were offering him scraps of dog-fish. He had made his first flight. (1×4=4)

(a) What was the green flooring on which his brothers and sister had landed?

(b) How was the young seagulls first experience of the sea?

(c) Which word in the passage means the same as summoning or luring by silent signal?

(d) Why was the seagull exhausted?


(a) The green flooring on which the young seagulls brothers and sisters had landed was the sea.

(b) He thought the sea was hard like land. He tried to stand on it but his legs sunk into it.

(c) The word beckoning means the same as summoning or luring by silent signal.

(d) Due to the strange exercise.

Answered by mrherobrine737

lol seagull mar gya khatam khani piyo pani

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