Physics, asked by Domanic, 1 year ago

with increase of focal length.the power lens is


Answered by nisha382


Hello dear ❤️

When the focal length of a lens increases,the power of lens decreases,because the power of lens is inversly proportional to it's focus length.

p=1/f,where p=power of lens

f=focus length



Answered by Axnav


If you increase the focal length then the size of the image on the film or sensor will increase i.e. the image will be magnified compared to a lens of shorterfocal length. ... The power of a lens is inversely proportional to its focal length, being equal to 100/f where f is focal length in cm.


The power of a lens is defined as the reciprocal ofits focal length in meters, or D = 1/f, where D is the power in diopters and f is the focal length in meters. Lens surface power can be found with the index of refraction and radius of curvature.

When a ray of light in incident on the lens parallel to the principal axis, it gets refracted and meets the principal axis at the focus. ... The focal lengthof the lens would be increased when immersed in water. Two lenses of powers 15D and -10D are in contact with each other.

Focal power of a spherical mirror or lens:It is the degree to which a lens or mirror diverges or converges a light. Power of a lens or mirror is defined as reciprocal of focal length of a mirror orlens. If the focal length is large then the power of lens or mirror is small.

Thus a convex lens of focal length 40 cm is said to possess a power of + 2.5 dioptre. similarly thepower of a concave lens of focal length 20 cm is 5.0 dioptre.

Thick lens will have shorter and consequently thin lens will have greater focal length. Because, For athick lens, the optical path length of the light ismore, than for a thin lens, thus, the bending of light will be more in case of a thicker lens. Consequently, it has a shorter focal length.

The lens power or diopter is defined as follows: That is, dividing 1000 by the focal length (in mm) of a lens yields the diopter of that lens. For example, a lens of 50mm has a diopter of 1000/50 = 20, and a lens of 8.9mm has a diopterof 1000/8.9 = 112.4.

Effective Power = + 9.50. Compensated Power = +10.50. The distance from the front of the cornea to the ocular surface of the lens is called the vertex distance. As a spectacle lens with power is moved either closer to or farther away from the eye, the position of its focal point, relative to the eye, also changes.



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