English, asked by Riyapandey2307, 6 months ago

⦁ With reference to the chapter ‘A Christmas Carol’ justify the statement ‘Relationships are a key to happiness and satisfaction


Answered by hardiksharma50

Answer:  Short Summary of “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens

Ebenezer Scrooge is a cold hearted, miserly man who does not enjoy Christmas celebrations; rejects dinner invitations from relatives and has no craze for holidaying on the eve. He remains busy working when other are enjoying and shouts on charity workers. He believes that people who want to miss work and stay idle do so in name of Christmas celebrations. He condemns the idea of celebration before everyone very openly.

In the night, Scrooge dreams of his business partner, Jacob Marley who died seven years back who visits him as a ghost. Marley had also been stingy and consumed with business all the time he was alive and had received the punishment for his greed in form of death. He warns Scrooge not to behave so miserly and to give up his selfishness and serve everyone with good heart so that he doesn’t bear the results of his greed in his afterlife. He also informs him that he will be visited by three Spirits on the following nights.


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