with reference to the gupta dynasty, write about the The Golden Age of Indian Culture- 1. Education, 2. Nalanda University, 3. Science, 4. Culture, 5. literature and 6. Art and Architecture in About 3 lines for each sub-topic
The period between the 4th century and 6th century AD is known as the Golden Age of India because of the large achievements Indians made in the fields of mathematics, astronomy, sculpting and painting during the Gupta Empire.
Nalanda University is an international and research-intensive class located in the historical city of Rajgir, in Bihar, India. It was established by an Act of Parliament to emulate the famous ancient university of Nalanda, which functioned between the 5th and 13th centuries.
1) Education
The education there was better, but again, the problem of the Shudras, Education of children was mostly limited to the upper class family.
2) Nalanda University
Brahmins, scholars, saints and women were respected in the society. Aryabhatta, Varhamihira,
garjuna were the famous scholars of this period. Students from far away places came to study in
universities of Nalanda, Kanauj, Taxlia, Ujjain, etc. Gupta rulers encouraged the development of
griculture, industry and trade. They also introduced coins made of silver and gold.
3) science & technology
But though of That, the Gupta dynasty had a Very Great progress on Science and technology, Maths too, perhaps.
the most famous mathematician, who is still known to the world, Aryabhatta made tremendous discoveries.
Nagaraj was a famous chemist scholar, who helped to make the ingredients of the famous iron pillar of Mehrauli, which still stands rust free.
there were many more gurus like Shusrut and charak, who were saadhus, and great surgeons. and found plastic surgery which is a fact to be proud of...
4) Culture
During this period, the king and most of the people were the followers of Vaishnavism or Shaile
They were followers of Buddhism and Jainism as well. There was no conflict among them. They al
lived harmoniously, Sun was also worshipped by many people. Many Sun temples were built. The
kings gave grants and donations to all the religions without any discrimination. It was a periode
revival of Hinduism and Sanskrit language.