with the help of a labelled diagram describe the life cycle of silkworm.
- Heya user !
Diagram is in the attachment above
a) Egg stage: Characteristics of silkworm during egg stage are:
—It is white in color and its size is the size of pin head.
—300 eggs are laid at a time.
—An egg hatches into larvae under suitable condition i.e. 18c – 25c.
b) Larvae stage: Characteristics of silkworm during larvae stage are:
—This stage lasts for about a month.
—A newly formed larvae is brown in color and is 6 millimeters long.
—A larvae molts up to 4 times. After each moulting it lies inactive for about 20 to 24 hours.
—A matured larvae changes into a cocoon.
c) Pupae stage: Characteristics of a silkworm in pupae stage are:
—This stage lasts for 12-14 days.
—A pupae does not move or feed.
—Silk thread is extracted during this stage.
d) Adult stage: Characteristics of a silkworm during adult stage are:
—It has 3 pairs of legs and 2 pairs of wings.
—It lives for 5 to 7 days.