with the help of an example explain how alternate technology can create a self-sustaining society
Hardware, software, know-how, and other technologies are an essential tool for sustainable development. They can be instrumental in ensuring that people:
• have access to clean water (through water purification, efficiency, delivery, and sanitation technologies);
• have access to energy that is clean, affordable, and sustainable (e.g., through energy-efficient technologies and technologies that use alternative sources of energy);
• live in a less toxic environment (e.g., by putting in place alternative agricultural and industrial technologies that reduce the quantity and toxicity of the raw materials and processes, as well as treatment techniques);
• live in a more stable environment by mitigating the effects of climate change (e.g., more energy-efficient processes and emissions control) and adapting to climate change (e.g., using GIS to assist in land use planning); and
• are able to more effectively and efficiently manage natural resources;
• have effective environmental governance regimes (e.g., in monitoring compliance and enforcement, providing public access to information, building capacity, and raising public awareness).