Hindi, asked by juhikhan733, 7 months ago

with the help of an example for each difference between base SI unit and derived SI unit​


Answered by thakursamar432


They only have one unit. ... The example could be velocity which was time/length = m/s The base units in the SI are meter, kilogram, second, kelvin (degree of temperature), ampere (electric current), mole (quantity of substance) and candela (luminosity). Everything else in the SI can be derived from those base units.

Answered by syatul1981


There are seven base SI units corresponding to different parameters and are considered independent of each other. Derived units are derived from these 7 base units. Derived units are dependent on the base units and are not independent of each other. For example, let us derive the SI units for force. By Newtons Second Law of Motion, the force is same as the product of mass and acceleration of a body.

that is, force = mass x acceleration.

Also, acceleration is defined as the rate of change of velocity. And velocity is defined as the rate of change of displacement.

Thus, force = mass x acceleration = mass x dv/dt = mass x (d^2x)/(dt^2)

Mass has SI units of kg, distance is measured in m and t has the SI unit of second.

Thus, SI unit of force is kg.m/s^2 (also known as Newton).

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