With the help of suitable diagrams explain the 5 stages of prophase 1 of meiosis
The prophase I of meiosis occurs in the following stages:
1. Leptotene- This phase is the start of prophase-I. It is marked by the condensation of the chromosomes.
2. Zygotene- In this phase the homologous chromosomes start pairing up, called the synapsis. The synaptonemal complex starts building up. This complex is required to hold the homologous chromosomes at a place close to each other. Bivalent chromosomes are visible at this stage.
3. Pachytene- In this stage, this non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes exchange their parts, the process is called the crossing over. The attachment point of the crossing-over of the non-sister chromatids is called chiasma.
4. Diplotene- The crossing-over process is completed by this stage. The homologous chromosomes remain attched at the point of chiasma.
5. Diakinesis- The homologous chromosomes start to separate and synaptonemal complex disappears. The nuclear membrane also disappears.
(1) Leptotene – The chromosomes begin to condense and attain a compact structure during leptotene.
(2) Zygotene – In zygotene, the pairing of homologous chromosomes starts a process known as chromosomal synapsis, accompanied by the formation of a complex structure called synaptonemal complex. A pair of synapsed homologous chromosome forms a complex known as bivalent or tetrad.
(3) Pachytene – At pachytene stage, crossing over of non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes occurs at the recombination nodules. The chromosomes remain linked at the sites of crossing over.
(4) Diplotene – Diplotene marks the dissolution of the synaptonemal complex and separation of the homologous chromosomes of the bivalents except at the sites of cross-over. The X-shaped structures formed during separation are known as chiasmata.
(5) Diakinesis – Diakinesis is marked by the termination of chiasmata and assembly of the meiotic spindle to separate the homologous chromosomes. The nucleolus disappears and the nuclear envelope breaks down.