English, asked by rekhrani111989, 1 month ago

With the help of the following outline, write a story in about 150 - 200
words on the topic 'A Teacher's Love for his Student,

A man searches for his old Guru - prays to GOD - dreams of
finding him near a seashore - next morning, goes there - gets
success - sees his Guru as a fisherman - feels ashamed - does not
recognize and moves - faints due to heat - fisherman picks him
up - takes to safe place - when he wakes up, sees fisherman at his
side protecting him - man realizes his mistake - touches Guru's
feet - feels sorry. story​


Answered by khushi814752


Question .1

The mice in a house…………. afraid of the cat hold a meeting ……………. one proposes to tie a bell round the cat’s neck……… all agree ………… who is to bell the cat? No mouse offers………. the cat appears……….. all run away.


Belling the Cat

Once the mice living in a certain house were very unhappy. The cause of their worry was that there was a cat who used to kill them regularly. At last they held a meeting to see how they could get rid of the cat. One mouse said they should leave the house. Another said that they should not come out of their holes.

Then a young mouse stood up and said, “Let us tie a bell round the cat’s neck. Then when the cat comes, we shall hear the bell and can get out of its way*.

All the mice shouted “Good!” They all thought it was a very good plan indeed. Now an old mouse stood up and said, “The plan is, no doubt, good, but who will tie the bell round the cat’s neck?”

No mouse offered to do it. Suddenly the cat appeared, and all the mice ran into their holes.

Question. 2

Old peasant all his sons lazy………….. peasant dying ……………..called all his sons ……..told them of a treasure………. hidden in the fields………… to find it they must dig for it

………..then died………… sons dug every bit of the land no treasure showed the …….corn a very fine crop………. sons learnt the lesson……….. what?


The Hidden Treasure

A peasant had several sons. But they were all lazy and did not help him in the farm. One day the peasant became ill. He knew he was dying. So he called all his sons together and said to them: “A treasure lies hidden in my fields. But to find it you shall have to dig hard for it.”

The peasant died. At once his sons went to the fields, and dug every bit of die land, but they found no treasure.

They were very sad. Soon the rains fell and, as the earth has been well dug;, they sowed the corn.

There was a very fine crop that year. The sons now learnt what their father meant by treasure. The treasure could be got only by hard work.

Question . 3

A boy falls in bad company………… father brings apples …………..put them in the cupboard ……………… places a rotten apple among them ……….next day all apples rotten ……………………..teaches a lesson. Moral


Bad Company

Once a boy fell into bad company. He began to waste time. It disturbed his father. He tried his best to set him on the right path, but all his efforts proved in vain.

One day the father thought Of a plan. He bought some fresh apples from the market. He bought one rotten apple also. Then he said to his son, “Put these apples in the cupboard.” The boy did so.

Next day, the father asked his son to bring all the apples. The boy opened the cupboard and was shocked to see that all the apples were rotten. The father said, “One rotten apple has spoiled all the good ones. Bad friends are like rotten apples. They will spoil you”. The boy understood everything. He immediately gave up bad company and became a good boy again.

Answered by masterofshadows6053


Ans. There was once a man who suddenly felt an urge to meet his old guru. How much ever he tried, he was not successful. He prayed to God. One night in his dream, he saw his Guru near a sea shore. When he got up from his sleep, he was feeling really restless. He went to the same sea shore, he had seen in his dream. He realised that he had finally succeeded in his efforts, but he was sad because he saw his Guru as a fisherman there. He felt ashamed of his Guru and pretended not to recognised him and move away.

It was a very hot day and the man was really distressed. The sun shone brightly in the sky. He couldn’t bear the heat of sun, so he fainted and fell down . A fisherman seeing him faint, ran up to him and took him to a safe place, nursed him and waited patiently till he become conscious.

When the man woke up, he saw his Guru, the fisherman by his side of whom he had been ashamed of and refused to recognise. His Guru set by him as his protector. The man realised his mistake and he touched his Guru’s feet and asked for an apology.

Hope it helps!!!

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