With the with the industrial revolution exploitation took of new dimension explain
A lack of services, accommodation and low wages lead to poverty, malnutrition and disease. Average height and birth weights went down for the first time in centuries. (read Charles dickens for more information!)
A lack of child labour laws and poor factory safety lead to high mortality and injury rates of all ages in the ‘satanic mills’. The concentration of wealth with the new factory owners lead to a rearrangement of the upper classes. Your traditonal nobility either went bankrupt or intermarried.
However - the union and socialist movements had their genesis is the industrial revolution. So many excellent ideas and movements came from this era. Universal suffrage, first to men then ultimately to women, universal education - lending libraries, housing laws, child labour laws, occupational health and safety laws, 8 hour working day, weekends!
The temporary redistribution of wealth by things like award rates, enterprise bargaining and mandated minimum rates lead to massive increases in education and and social mobility. Temporary, as in the plutocrats are once more in control and dictating terms (see Trump, lol) …And have learned lessons from the revolutions and social movements of the 20th century.
See Trickle Down economics, Working Poor and American Dream for more information on plutocrat spin.
“if wealth and success were due to hard work then every woman in Africa would be a multi-millionaire”…
Industrial Revolution saw the birth of new industrial and manufacturing processes, resulting in industrial expansion and large-scale production of goods, mainly in the United States and Europe.
It therefore called for more natural and human resources, to power these industries and meet demands, which resulted in the West colonising undeveloped and backward regions, to exploit the natural and human resources present in these areas.