English, asked by m6rma1ninapra, 1 year ago

With the world progressing on different ideological views, we have become neglectful towards our mute companions, the innocent animals around us. Today , we need not only Engineers or Doctors but more and effective Animals Rights Activist to help sustain the species . Present views on the same


Answered by sawakkincsem
We need to look after animals because they are living creatures, we see poor roaming around with no food and shelter, we feel bad for them but we do not feel bad for the animals for whom there is no one to look after them.
If we see an animal who has no caretaker we should try to provide them shelter or maybe we can ask around if anyone is willing to help. 
We should let the animal department around know that there is a stray animal and they can look after them and if we plan to look after them ourselves we should get them vaccinated first and then take them home and provide food to them.
Answered by upenderjoshi28

                                   Animal Welfare Volunteers

God created all life forms with equal care and love. As man loves freedom, so do all forms of animals. Man uses animals for his pleasure, entertainment and convenience. This is man’s cruelty to animals! Added to this cruelty, his avarice has further wreaked havoc on the animal kingdom. He has denuded forests from the face of earth; in his blind race of industrialization he has polluted the very air we breathe. The innocent animals in the forests have been dragged to the verge of extinction. Still his hunger is unsatisfied! He has made the sacred affairs of life into mundane trade and commerce. For him animals are raw material for his production of profitable goods and merchandises! Any animal that comes within the range of his greedy perception, is gone forever. The fur animals such as foxes, minks, rabbits, wolves, cats, beavers, tigers, leopards, and many more, man hunts all of them for trading their furs in return for money! He forgets that these animals are an integral part of the ecological system. 

The price of human greed is being paid by poor, innocent animals. Some animal species are getting depleted at an alarming rate. If the present state of affairs is allowed to continue, the next generation will not get to see many majestic animals even in the zoo. 

The situation is so critical that if an army of volunteers dedicated to the cause of preservation of innocent animals, the chances are the planet will become completely devoid of them. It is high time that the Government introduce such subjects at schools as are dedicated to animals’ welfare. Animals preservation specialization subjects and related job opportunities must be created by the Government so that a campaign can be launched to ensure the preservation of beautiful animals—our partners in existence.  

However, in order to save the rare species of animals from extinction people, the Government, and the Animal Right Activists further need to act concertedly to ensure safety and protection to animals.  If needed The Save Animals Activists in collaboration with Government should make a task force to stop and annihilate cruelty to animals.

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